Help to Buy Event at Camberley | News | Hodson Developments

Help to buy event at Camberley

19th June | Developments, Help to Buy

Hodson Developments is hosting a dedicated Help to Buy event at Viridium on London Road, Camberley, on Saturday 24th June. The unique event is designed to offer helpful advice to potential buyers and to show them how they can buy their very own home this summer without spending years saving up for a deposit, thanks to the Government’s Help to Buy equity loan scheme.

Help to Buy event at Camberley

Now in our final phase of selling award-winning Apartments at Viridium, and this helpful event is designed to explain everything about the popular scheme and offer potential buyers a chance to look around some of the remaining stylish homes at the popular development which can be bought with as little as a 5% deposit.

Help to Buy is the Government’s flagship equity loan scheme which enables both first time buyers and house movers to take a step up the housing ladder without having to save up a huge deposit or pay over-the-top interest rates for a high loan-to-value mortgage.* Valid with new homes costing less than £600,000 – which includes the stylish two bedroom Apartments at Viridium available from £289,950, the helpful scheme enables buyers to borrow 20% of the purchase price from the Government, with no interest to pay for five years.

“Help to Buy has been a very popular scheme at Viridium to date as it makes it much easier to get a foot onto the housing ladder or even for second time buyers,” says Christie Alaimo, Sales Director for Hodson Developments, “As it applies only to brand new homes, buyers can also be confident that their new property meets the latest standards and has a 10-year premier guarantee for added peace of mind. Anyone interested in making the most of Help to Buy should come and speak to us at this helpful event to find out more and have a look around some of the stunning Apartments. They may be surprised just how much apartment they can afford with only a 5% deposit.”

The Help to Buy event will be held at the marketing suite at Viridium on Saturday 24th June 2017.

We are also hosting a Help to Buy event at the Fitzroy Collection in Bracknell on the same weekend, so whether you are looking for a stylish Hodson Developments apartment in Bracknell or Camberley, we can help you find what you are looking for. For further information or to register interest, email or call 01344 481 893.